Restore the Republic

Aid To Foreign Countries

June 11, 2008 | Constitution, Foreign Policy, Taxes

I must admit, I am not very articulate, not a very good writer.

After reading the article US Expected to pledge some $10 billion for Afghans,

US expected to pledge some $10 billion for Afghans

I felt the need to vent.

The admitted debt of the U.S. is approximately $9.4 trillion, but the way government keeps its books, and the head of the GAO screaming that it is much higher, I have to first ask the question; where is this money coming from?

A few days ago, A CBS News video was brought to my attention. I posted this video in the RTR Media Section of the site.

It is titled:
Waiting In The Food Line

Where is the money coming from? The money is coming from our sweat and labor. It is an encumbrance placed upon every American. It limits our ability to buy fuel, and food; two essential items of survival.

What are we left with? Middle Class Americans forced to wait on a food line, having to rely on private assistance for their daily sustenance. Who would have ever thought that this once great republic would have middle class Americans waiting for handouts.

With things like this happening on our own soil, our magnificent government in all its wisdom, is shipping 10 billion dollars to aid Afghanistan.

We must conclude, and it is very difficult to digest, that it has been the plan for years now. There have been many books written on the subject by the so-called elite, working to turn America to the same environment as a third world country.

We must conclude that this is why there has been a migration of business out of U.S.. This is a self sustaining country. There is and always has been everything here that we need to survive, with just a few raw materials that are must be imported. Moving all our manufacturing outside the country will just cause a collapse of the once great U.S. economy.

We must also conclude that this is known by all these well compensated CEO’s and board members.

There was a time in my life, when I thought this type of aid, foreign aid, was good. I really don’t want to see my fellow man suffering, no matter who. If I am able to help it is good, but times have changed, and having Americans waiting on line to be fed, should tell us that there is something fundamentally wrong with this agenda.

Hey, it is our tax money, or our children’s tax money if you really want to know, that is going abroad, so why do I not have a say in where it goes?

Where in the Constitution does it state that these disbursements of funds to foreign countries are lawful?
Can we afford to continue being the policemen, and saviors of the world, taking into account our current economic problems?
Should we have ever taken on the responsibility of policing and aiding the world in the first place?

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