Restore the Republic

Glenn Beck’s ”War Room“ Experts Discuss Worst Case Scenarios

February 21, 2009 | Constitution, Economy, Foreign Policy, Founding Documents, Militia

On the evening of Feb 21, 2009, Glenn Beck was joined by Stephen Moore, former CIA operative Bob Baer, and former CIA employee Michael Scheuer, and forecaster Gerald Celente. The panel discusses possible scenarios that could play out in the U.S. in the coming months, and years.

Rather than refuse to think about it,  you might want to consider watching this 3-part program that has gathered  these panelists from all fields to address unthinkable scenarios.  As Glenn Beck states: “When you refuse to consider the unthinkable, thinking stops, and when thinking stops, actions become mindless.”There are issues here that we all should be thinking about. When times get rough, rough things happen.”  Here is a look at what some experts are saying.

Part I

[youtube iPZi0_p4gg4]

Part II

[youtube jcIbPTEYNuI]

Part III

[youtube EOFgTvNqRJE]


  1. 4 Responses to “Glenn Beck’s ”War Room“ Experts Discuss Worst Case Scenarios”

  2. As if the jobless, homeless and otherwise disenfranchised and disposessed people who have played by the rules their entire lives need another fear-mongering, arrogant ass spreading more visions of gloom and doom, with full backing of the masters of deception, regardless of whether “possible” or “imagined”.

    Beck’s faux public-service report does not for the viewer answer the question “How has what I have seen helped me in today’s world?”

    I have no problem imagining a worse case scenario for Glen Beck in the day of reckoning about which he likes to postulate under the pretense of channeling the spirit of Paul Revere.

    By whocanutrust on Feb 28, 2009

  3. You are probably right on track. There has been some discussion as to the why of this show, and we could go all over with it.
    I think one thing that it may have served, and I could be wrong, is that it might have planted a seed in the head of those who believe everything is fine. From what I can see the majority is still of that mindset.
    Of course there is also the thought that for those who are in the middle that the main stream media is going to lend some help instead of taking their normal route of covering up the news.

    By Nick on Feb 28, 2009

  4. My 60 years have made me acutely cynical. I’m not sure those who believe everything is fine need seeds planted which predict those kinds of “possible scenarios”.

    Here’s why: I spent several hours this early morning watching Red State Road Trip on Free Speech TV. Anyone viewing that program, which was produced in 2008 before the election, would get a very clear view that everything is not fine in this nation. And it’s gotten worse since then. But you won’t see that documentary on Corporate Media.

    If you haven’t seen it, they have a modest website at redstateroadtrip dot com.

    The documentary, although startling in its raw honesty depicting the true state of the union, also offered glimpses of hope found in the spirit eminating from the diverse cross-section of people interviewed.

    In my opinion, if Corporate Media fails to answer the question, “Where does hope live in this story?”, during these critically desparate times, they are utterly useless, except for reporting the weather or other public emergency announcements.

    I believe the only thing that will save this country is people uniting in hope. I feel that with President Obama. But even so, in the hope he projects when he speaks, my biggest hope is that he doesn’t make fools of us all.

    By whocanutrust on Feb 28, 2009

  5. I’m not familiar with this Red State Road Trip.

    Perhaps you could write up a peace in the forum that might be shared.

    By Nick on Mar 1, 2009

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