Restore the Republic

Where Are You Going Papa?

January 21, 2010 | Congress, Foreign Policy, History

Where are you going Papa?

Where are you going Pa?

I’m going off to war son.

I’m going off to war.

There’s nothing can be done son.

Our country has gone to war.

The cannon’s are calling.

The battlefield is red.

The flag is unfurling,

And soon I may be dead.

War is repugnant to the human character. It is due to greed, avarice, and a host of sins that have plagued us since Cain slew Abel.

Century after century armies have marched to the beat of bloodshed imposing some sort of tyranny on an often unsuspecting foe. Few times are we justified in bearing arms against our fellow man.

All war cannot be avoided from the prospective of those who wish to maintain their national sovereignty, and freedom. Typically civilian casualties are high, infrastructure destroyed, and some form of slavery ensues.

America was founded on a war for Independence. I am not going to justify the Revolution to you because it would simply be an exercise in futility to those who learned their history in modern government schools, and it needs no explanation for the rest who were willing to dig into the conflict that began years before the Declaration of Independence was signed on that hot July day.

Today, contrary to our stated goals as a country, America imposes its will around the world. It is not without descent that we do so, but rather an ongoing struggle by those who realize the essence of what lies under this tragic agenda.

Let me qualify my objections to our current platform of bringing democracy to the rest of the world. First, I would not hesitate to take up arms against anyone who would endanger the sanctity of our free state. I would further qualify that by stating that I have not done so at this point because we are either ill prepared for an internal war, or the balance of the citizenry would much rather languish under the failed, and unlawful acts of the current government.

Second, as we have never failed to point out here, this country is not a democracy, but rather a Constitutional Federal Republic. A country formed by a union of states, each sovereign in its own right, which contains a free and independent people never beholding to the majority rule in so much as we do not violate or abuse the rights of our fellow citizens. For America to be so hypocritical as to promote an obviously flawed, and failed form of government speaks volumes of who we have become, and what path we now walk.

There is no America for the many who serve us now in more than One-Hundred other nations across the globe. We are the policemen of the world, tearing fathers and mothers from their homes, and planting the seeds of strife, and despotism as we march ourselves deeper into an untenable position.

Ron Paul talked about blow-back from our meddling into the affairs of other nations. Those who would have us believe that we have the right to change the structure of other countries laughed at him. The media joined in the fray as the braying sheep they are, willing to sell out their fellow countrymen for the well paid positions of propagandists.

This article is not about our agenda, but the underlying tragedy it inflicts upon the few who are willing to serve their nation. I say few because at any given time it is only a very small percentage of the population that is willing to take up arms, even when it is apparent that a call to arms is necessary to maintain a free state.

Our military is voluntary. Many of the people who serve have been to Bosnia, Iraq, and Afghanistan. Indeed some have been there four or five times, and that my fellow citizen is well beyond the term of abuse.

What impact does that have on the lives of a little boy, or girl who is without that one parent upon which they derive an essential part of their character? I suppose in a nation with a divorce rate of over fifty-percent we are want to even recognize the damage of the position. But, let me tell you that I would bet that those good people who are willing to serve their country are the ones who would create the most stable of environments for a sound family life.

I oppose the war in Iraq, Afghanistan, and what ever else may come from these expeditions, but I laud the men and women of our armed forces as courageous despite any political difference. In the long run, as many of our Vietnam Vets realize today, we have entered into a war without justification that will ruin the lives of many.

The death toll to the American service is enough to make us ill at the notion of those who will not return to their loved ones, or those who have been, and will be burned with permanent disabilities. The death toll in the civilian population of Iraq alone should beat upon our hearts as an injustice so great that we should scream through every legislature for their explanation as to why they lay silent.

The civilian death toll in Iraq passed 1.5 million people more than a year ago, and the abomination of injuries caused by depleted uranium core munitions is a scar this country will not readily be able to reconcile in the long run. Blow-Back from this may be the position from which our government builds upon its already obvious assault on liberty. It may also be the battleground of our children who will construct their bunkers against attack, after attack from those who have seen the horrors of war brought about by our nation building paradigm.

Cindy Sheehan, while I could not initially agree with her, has come to see that this war is not a matter of democrats versus republicans, but rather it is the vilest aspect of a nation that has been captured by a one party system, indifferent to the rule of law, and captive to greed, and power. Today I can see we, both Ms. Sheehan and myself, understand this from its most base cruelty toward human life.

What do we do? We, that is this country is given two choices from its inception. The first is from the ballot box by which we may throw out those who have no regard for the oath of office they must take. If you are unwilling to do that, and there are members of congress and state legislatures that will tell you that they are not bound by their oath or the principles of a limited government, then you may petition the courts. The courts are simply an image of the destruction of the republic paraphrased in legal jargon designed to eliminate freedom.

So, the Founders in no uncertain terms, gave us the Militia, and the Right to Keep and Bear Arms, as the necessary means to maintain a free state. Our misunderstanding of this critical tool is just another aspect of our ambivalence towards freedom. It is a law enforcement tool by which the People may arrest those in government who fail to abide their oath. There is no immunity for such a position, and if we wish to come through this without degenerating into a third revolution, we had better grasp the concept of We the People as the final word on law.

I do not have hope that there will be a resolution to our situation in the near future. As we wait, the bonds of tyranny grow stronger as the central government monopolizes power, and tightens the noose around our necks. They do so with the help of many of our citizens, and with willing accomplices in the media, and local government. Greed and power know no bounds.

So if I may end this article by planting a visual picture of a young soldier, tired and hungry, wearing tattered clothes, and shivering from the cold. He holds his weapon in his hands as he crouches down behind the hulk of a destroyed vehicle. He ponders his position as he looks to his comrades scattered about him. He listens to the directive of his appointed sergeant who hollers the orders to start the move towards Thirty-Second and Lexington as they fall back through the Lincoln Tunnel. He wonders what his parents and grandparents must have been thinking as they gave away their freedom and his.


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