Restore the Republic


July 21, 2012 | 2nd Amendment, Congress, Featured, Foreign Policy, Sovereignty

By now everyone is aware of the Aurora, Colorado shooting where 71 people were murdered or wounded.

The incident that took place in a movie theater was the act of James Holmes, a student at the University of Colorado who was working towards a doctorate in neurosciences. Does his profile fit that of a mass murderer? Probably not, but I’d be willing to bet that in an unfettered investigation conducted by a legitimate Grand Jury, they would find that Holmes personality had been altered.

It was found that in previous mass shootings that the perpetrators were on some form of Serotonin Reuptake Inhibitor, or, by police report information, the shooter had previously begged for help, claiming that he was being abducted, and tortured. The reports, in at least one instance, included witness statements that claimed to have seen the subject grabbed by masked men and thrown into a van.

Cho Seung-Hui, the Virginia Tech shooter, was on mind-altering drugs. In light of the recent developments in GlaxoSmithKline $3 Billion US fraud settlement wherein it was shown that the pharmaceutical giant had falsified its testing results, I can’t believe that anything is beyond the scope of what might have taken place prior to this most recent shooting.

In current times we discovered that the Russian’s still had sleeper agents in the U.S., and apparently throughout the world. Russian convicted of treason in sleeper agent case.

In 1975 the concept of sleepers was widely introduced to the public in the movie Telefon based on the novel by Walter Wager. Most would say this is nonsense, but during the Sixties, and Seventies there was confirmation that the agents did exist, and they were activated by certain phrases. More recently it has come to light that The Psychiatrists Who Programmed the Sleepers are Being Killed. The article is long with a number of links, but is worth reading for anyone who wants to understand what might be taking place in the minds of the people who commit these crimes.

Why do I mention any of this as related to such a tragic event as this Aurora shooting? Because in light of the investigations that take place, and the information that subsequently is released years later, we have to ask ourselves if there is something else going on.

One question, at the forefront for me, is why after all the obvious lying on so many levels do we consistently dismiss the idea that our government has a hand in the most foul, and nefarious acts taking place in the world? Did we not see that the attack on Iraq was completely without merit as to the claims of WMD’s? Do we even care that we’ve murdered hundreds of thousands of women and children in the name of our own personal safety?

Did we bother to question as to how the Patriot Act immediately popped into play? Congressman Ron Paul stated, “The PATRIOT Act Was Written Many, Many Years Before 9/11 [And The Attacks Simply Provided] An Opportunity for Some People To Do What They Wanted To Do”

To some this may seem a little too conspiratorial, but the fact of the matter is that there is enough evidence in our past to make even the most die-hard skeptic question why such incidents occur at the most opportune time for a government agenda, or inopportune time for those who aspire to freedom. It can’t be coincidence all the time, and it can’t be suited to the government’s agenda at that particular moment each time.

We know that the ATF’s Fast and Furious sting allowed thousands of guns to go to drug cartels, that the program was responsible for the death of law enforcement agents, and also responsible for the deaths of thousands of others, both in Mexico and the US. We also know that the DOJ, and the Attorney General has tried to cover it up, and has been caught lying to congress. What are another 71 people to attain your goal of disarmament?

On top of all of this is the UN Gun Ban Treaty that is supposedly designed to remove military style weapons from the civilian population. Make no mistake that this treaty is aimed at the American people, the constitutional mandate to muster the Militia, and our inherent right to keep and bear arms when enemies both foreign and domestic threaten us.

This theater shooting comes just days before the treaty ratification vote in the US Senate.  It comes at a time when it seemed apparent that the administration did not have the votes to have this treaty confirmed.

It also comes in the wake of Leon Panetta telling congress Obama can start wars without them under the direction of the UN. Should we question whether an international cabal is running our government?

Still, the flag wavers place their heads in the sand and refuse to believe that our government would commit such atrocities. Ladies and gentlemen, what will it take for you to remove the veil, and demand hard investigations with the outcome being the indictment, and prosecution of those who create these nightmares?

I am telling you that this shooting stinks from Colorado all the way to New York where the mayor is probably ecstatic over the fact that he has another tool to ban weapons in the hand of the citizen.

These incidents cannot be so coincidental. We’ve seen just too many that are confirmed as government operations.

So I ask my fellow Americans not to shut their eyes to the dangers that we face from a rogue government, and to remember that the Second Amendment was specifically enumerated so that the people could “alter or to abolish” government when it interfered with the “security of a free state”.

I, for one, am not of “the number of those who, having eyes, see not, and, having ears, hear not, the things which so nearly concern their temporal salvation…”  

Are you?



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