Restore the Republic

The Past and The Present

September 7, 2008 | Foreign Policy, General, History

A few weeks ago Georgian military, with the help of NATO, Israeli, and American ‘contractors’, invaded South Ossetia. Before the Russian army entered the fray there were reports that over 1,000 people had been killed. It points to genocide aimed at the inhabitants of the area who live in what is deemed to be an independent state. It does not belong to Georgia, and it is not part of Russia.

I used the term ‘contractors’ simply because there is not rock-solid evidence that they are soldiers of the particular states. We do know that there were at least one thousand Marines in Georgia one week before, and there are other reports that have stated that as many as 10,000 U.S. troops are in the area. The information is certainly vague, as might be expected at the outset, but Russian, Israeli, and European media are stating clearly that the involvement is there. The Haaretz Daily Newspaper stated that Israel did indeed have a part in the fray.

The complete truth of the matter might not be known for sometime as our fabled press continues to work to keep us blind to the reality of the moment. What is most important is that we understand the why of the incursion and how these situations are easily manipulated by the powers that be.

One thing is certain that throughout history, and noticeably in the last century, genocide is common. On the night that this war started, Georgian troops began with an engagement of Russian Peace Keepers, and civilians in the area. There was apparently no warning of the strike, and from reports out of Europe it was devastating.

Throughout this entire incident, while details may be sketchy at times, do not lose site of the fact that the major media has seen fit to confuse the facts, and collude with government to bring us the story in a way to prejudice our view. It is the same old tactic used to sway our opinion, and come to a point most suited to attain a specific goal.

History is essential to our understanding of events that take place today because without it what have we to guide our decisions other than what we are fed through the propaganda outlets. We must also keep in mind that today our education system has seen fit to re-write history to attain the goals most suited to our enslavement.

There are no longer truths in the world, only the machinations of those who want to attain certain outcomes. For whatever reasons we have allowed this to take place, we should be well aware that our failing to keep a close watch on our government has silently led us into a second Cold War, or even worse a hot one.

Hopefully, cooler heads will prevail, but it is not promising. Russia has already warned Poland of a nuclear response to their missile treaty with the United States. In light of the signing of the treaty Poland has now been told that they will die a nuclear death because of the plans to install the U.S. interceptors in their state. Certainly a very ominous warning that should concern us all.

The idea that nuclear war is on the horizon has haunted us in the past. For years the U.S. and Russia were antagonists, but we weren’t poking the Bear with incursions right on their border. When the Russians installed missiles in Cuba, President Kennedy took every step possible to have them removed, and while it is not common knowledge, we were very close to going to war. The naval reserves had been placed on active duty, and the Pentagon was making preparations for war.

I am sure that those Seven Days in October of 1962 were tense beyond what we could imagine. But the American people were smarter then, many of the adult men around had seen service in WWII, and were in no rush to send their sons off to another war, a war with far more deadly implications for the planet. In the end Russian Premier Nikita S. Khrushchev thought better of the situation, and stopped the placement of the missile installations.

Now that we are committing the same acts that the Russians did just over forty years ago, I would conclude that we did not learn anything from that experience, or there are those inside our government who have plans for hostilities. Who do we have today that will prevail and call an end to this potentially disastrous scenario?

Since America has become a state wherein support is based on the absurd notion that if we are not in agreement with government tactics we are on the side of the terrorists, we have little leeway for rational thinking. To add to this slimy admonition we have a media hell-bent on colluding with the criminals in Washington. So where do we go from here?

Dr. Paul Craig Roberts was an insider who actually worked with some of the people who have been in government and are currently in the Bush administration. He is certain that these neo-cons are itching for a full out war with Russia, and that war could turn out to be nuclear.

Russia has already stated that they do not have the technology to counter our smart bombs, so they will retaliate with tactical-nukes. No, its not speculation, nor is it more conspiracy talk. The Russian leadership has clearly stated that this will be their response. I’m sorry if you might have missed it while drinking your beer, watching the ballgame, or taking in the propaganda on any of the major network news broadcasts.

Of course there are those who continually question why we should believe the likes of Dr. Roberts. To these folks it does not seem logical that Israel, or NATO, or the U.S. would be instigating a fight. Can we go on being this naive and produce another generation that is not scrounging around in the rubble of what is left just to survive?

Let’s see if we can answer the skeptics questions with a couple of other questions, something that I am not particularly fond of, but in this case it seems appropriate since reading the signs don’t have much effect.

Why was it that FDR countered the orders of the command on Pearl Harbor every time that the Navy sent the fleet out in preparation of a plausible attack by Japan? Not good enough? Why did LBJ fake the Gulf of Tonkin Incident?

And, let us not forget to mention that LBJ was also the one who was responsible for the attack on the U.S. Liberty by Israel aircraft, and gunboats with the intended purpose of blaming Egypt so we could start a war with a Russian ally. Please also note that it was a Russian destroyer that saved the Liberty from being sunk, and the crew massacred.

None of this should even be questioned any longer as documents, and recordings have come out supporting the fact that these incidents were indeed False Flag operations perpetrated by evil people who have hijacked our government. The paperwork is there in declassified documents that are periodically released. If you don’t want to believe that information and choose to go on in a fog, ask yourself what will happen when history catches up with you?

We are headed for disaster because governments around the world are playing this game as though the living, breathing beings that populate the planet are nothing more than chess pieces to be used as pawns in a global game.

This article is basically about history, and events that continue to unfold as we watch and take in these events as if they were something new, and unlikely. As if governments in the past have not perpetrated false flag operations, and men in power, democrats or republicans, can’t be malevolent because this is America.

It is also about the why, so here is my answer. I honestly don’t know. I can’t get behind the mind of people such as Zbigniew Brzezinski, David Rockefeller, Bill Clinton, George Bush both father and son, and a host of others who continually show up on Capitol Hill.

This nation was formed under the direction of some of the most brilliant minds in history, men who created a nation for the people. It is you that were given the power to control the government through the vote and through the courts. We have used neither wisely, and we have ill advisedly held counsel with those who benefit most by the demise of our rights.

Iraq was a lie, but in the memory of most we should also understand that Bosnia was a lie. Yes, it was done by the hands of the lefts favorite son, Bill Clinton. Democrat, or republican care for nothing other than that which brings them power and wealth. We should neither be swayed by slick talk, nor believe any statement based on blind party loyalty, or ideology.

I am not being unpatriotic when I point out these incidents. On the contrary, as I have stated in the past, I took an oath to protect and defend the Constitution. I have not been relieved of that duty as the Good Lord has not seen fit to called me from this life. When he does call me from my current duty status, I do hope that I will have succeeded in the task of returning this nation to the shining light it once was.


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